This blog has seen a few changes over the years, and many in this last year. But it's not enough.
The trouble with blogging is that a blog has no natural end point. Other forms of writing all have an end. When one thing is finished, it's easier to begin something else. Yes, blogs can develop and change over time, as this one has. But there are limits to this, and after five years, I think I have reached that limit with this blog. So I've decided to retire this blog. There's another reason as well, but I'd rather not go into that here.
I still haven't got blogging out of my system. I'm not giving it up, I'm just winding down this blog. There are one or two more posts in the pipeline, and once I've published them in the next month or so, I'll be taking an indefinite break from updating this blog.
I'm planning on taking a complete break from blogging. Then I'll probably start a new one. The new one won't be as closely related to my work as a librarian - the place for those kinds of posts is here. To reiterate, I'm not shutting down this blog and I'm not ruling out the possibility that I may bring it out of retirement when some time has passed.
I'd like to finish with some thank yous. Thanks to all the bloggers who encouraged me at the very beginning in 2002, who linked to me and made me feel welcome in what was then such a small community. Thanks also to amazing group of Australian librarian bloggers at It was fun and also a privilege working with you and learning from you. Thanks to everyone who commented on posts. I appreciate your contribution and wish I had been a little more diligent to replying to your comments on the blog. Finally, thanks to the readers who have stuck with me over the years and put up with my irregular posting schedule and the seemingly random choice of posts.
It's not goodbye yet, because there's definitely one more post to come, maybe two.